
Invisible Finish

(New, updated pictures and tutorial coming soon!)

Invisible Finish
This technique will help to make your finished work look more professional and have a cleaner edge. I used a hat to demo this technique, but you can use the same idea to finish flat items too.

After you've completely finished your hat (...scarf, doggy sweater, whatever!) most hookers make one final slip stitch (sl st), cut the yarn, and pull it through. This is what makes the final knot so all your pretty stitches won't fall out. I'm going to show you how to make this final knot invisible (no cloaks involved)!

The normal way to finish leaves a big ugly knot. Even you might not be able to tell where your seam is when you use my technique. It can be used with any st!

When you finish the last st of your work...

... work a regular sl st in the top of your turning ch...

... and pull on your loop so it lengthens.

Take your hook out of the long loop. Insert your hook from the back to the front in the st next to your sl st.

Turn your work around and grab the long sl st loop...

... and pull it through. Cut your yarn tail leaving ~6" to weave in.

Finish by pulling the yarn tail through the loop and pulling tight.

NO UGLY KNOT! Don't forget to weave in your ends.

The hat I used for this tutorial is my original design - Fishnet Beanie

play hard ... play hooky

Back to the Tips & Tricks page for more tutorials!


  1. Wow this is really really nice! I love learning new techniques like this so thank you so much!!!
