

Newsletter in the works

You may have heard, or noticed it for yourself, but FB is severely limiting the reach of small business pages, favoring those who can pay big money to reach all of their fans. From a page owner (and page liker) point of view, it upsets me that a very small percentage of my fans actually see what I post. IMO, if I "like" a page, I did it to stay in touch with that particular company.

Sure, there are a few things you could do on FB like selecting "get notifications" to make sure you see your favorite page's post, but all-in-all I'm not exactly optimistic about the direction that FB is going in terms of promoting my business. That being said, I still love sharing my thoughts, creative process, promotions, and finished beanies with you and my FB page is here to stay.

So why am I bringing this up? I want to make sure I stay in touch with you, without being overly obnoxious. I'm thinking about starting an email newsletter for big updates, contest announcements, upcoming sales, and new items. What'd you think? It'd never be more than one email a week, and more likely only 2-3 times a month.

Would you be interested in a Playin' Hooky newsletter?



  1. I would be interested I love your hats

  2. I love the thought of a playin' hooky newsletter!

  3. Yes! I am on the same page as you and have been exploring communications avenues for my page today as well.

  4. I *might* have a crochet crush on you ;P I think this is a great idea!

  5. I love this idea, I will follow wherever you lead!

  6. Yes, I am not on Facebook or Twitter so newsletter would be most welcome!

  7. I would love a newsletter! Not on or a fan of Facebook or Twitter so a newsletter would keep me up to date with the goings on at Playin Hooky! :)

  8. I would definitely be interested. I feel your pain with the issues Facebook keeps putting in the way of people and businesses.

  9. I would LOVE a newsletter too!! I stalk your page almost daily so a newsletter would help to fill any void I might feel when I can't be on Facebook! LOL!!
