

Our baby girl

These are all the words I can manage right now...

My beautiful 5-year-old daughter, Bryn, suffered a massive asthma attack on Sunday morning. Her heart stopped on the way to the hospital. She was revived but her body was without oxygen for more than 30 minutes. She was flown to Denver Children's Hospital and did better than expected in the helicopter, but was in extreme critical condition when she arrived. She was met by family and friends before my husband and I could get there. For that, we are eternally grateful.

We experienced some highs, but more lows over the next 2 days. She fought harder than anyone thought she could, but her body gave out just before 6 pm yesterday, in my arms.
For those of you who know her, I don't have to tell you about her amazing spirit and heart. She had more personality and life than anyone I've ever met.  Words can't say how broken we are right now.

The only thing we ask is this. If you knew her, please take a minute to handwrite any favorite memories or stories about our beautiful girl. We are collecting them to make a book for Tara and Declan to help them remember their big sister. Write as many or as few stories as you want, but please handwrite them.  Contact me or a family member for my address if you need to mail it.

Thank you in advance for your sympathies, thoughts, and prayers.


Sierra Bryn McQueen
April 16, 2007 - May 21, 2012
We miss you baby girl


  1. I can't find the right words to say. I can't imagine how you must be feeling.

    She was beautiful x

  2. I don't know what to say, other than I am so very very sorry. She will make a wonderful guardian angel, and I know your hearts must be shattered. I will be thinking of you!

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers.

  4. Our deepest heartfelt prayers go out to you and your family during this time. May you all feel God's loving arms around you and his peace. She was a real beauty!

  5. My deepest sympathy...I cant even imagine...I have come close to loosing mine so I am sobbing as I read this.

  6. Liz, I'm am crying as I read this. We've never met, but I've felt a connection to you and been inspired by your creativity. Words can't express how sorry I am. Know my heart is breaking for you and I'm lifting your family in prayer. Love, Melanie 3 Boys & A Ball of Yarn

  7. Oh my goodness, I am sooo sorry for your loss! My sincerest condolences for you and your dear family.

  8. Sending all my love to you and your family, Liz! I'm so very sorry.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.

  10. I have no words that seem appropriate for you, your husband and children. I don't know any of you personally and yet this has made my heart so heavy. I know you all were VERY Blessed to have had Bryn in your life for the time that you did, even though it hardly seems fair that 5 years is all you had. My heart is truly broken for your family. I will pray for you all and may God bring all of you the peace and healing you need at this time.

  11. Liz, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so sorry that this has happened. I dont know what to say. I did not know your daughter but Im sure with a mom like you that she was very outgoing and creative. My deepest condolences for the family. Much love and prayers are sent your way.

  12. So so sorry to read this. I do believe in prayer and will pray for you and your family for the strength and peace will you need. Peace and grace.

  13. My heart is breaking for you. Even tho you know she is at peace with God it does not lessen the loss you are feeling. My granddaughter suffers from asthma and I know how helpless you feel when they are having an attack. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.

  14. Words cannot express the sorrow I feel for you and your family right now. I am in tears. Such a beautiful little girl taken far too soon. My thoughts and especially my prayers are with you and your family. (HUGS)

    What a wonderful memory book you are making for her siblings to remember her. I wish I could have known her so I could have contributed to the book.


    Please take all the time you need to find peace in this sad time and to comfort and be comforted by family and friends.

    Your precious little girl is now in heaven with no more asthma attacks or pain to ever have again. As she is in God's arms let His arms hold you as well and find comfort.

  15. praying that you will feel comfort and peace in this confusing and sorrow filled time. i am so sorry for your loss and am praying for you as i go about my day...

  16. i follow you on facebook and do not personally know you. i am so sorry and my prayers are with you and your family lots of hugs and loves to your wonderful family

  17. I am so sorry. Prayers are with your family.

  18. I know nothing anybody says will help. I have a five year old girl also, and I am in tears as I read your story. I will be praying for you and your family through this horrible time.

  19. May God bless you all and see you through this.
    Beth Fulton

  20. I'm so sorry to know about your daughter, Liz. This is so heart breaking. I've not met your beautiful daughter, but her pictures describe her everlasting sweet personality. My deepest condolences for your entire family.

  21. Liz I know you don't know me personally we've talked a little here and there! But I'm absolutely in awe and would have never expected this. I'm SO SO sorry for your loss it's one of hardest things I've heard in a long time I can't imagine if this were me but just know God is your comforter in those hard times.. I have tears and am taken back. I can't believe such a devastating thing can happen to the sweetest lady around. Nicole from Boomer Beanies

  22. To my friend Liz, I'm very sorry. I remember when I came over and she showed me all of hee little dolls. She got so excited. Or when she likes my color of clothes I was wearing because she was wearing the same color as I was. She had such a cute personality. She will be forever your little angel. I love you girl.

  23. So so sorry for your loss words could really be said to help with the pain that your family must be in, but know that you have one beautiful little angel watching over you! Praying for you and your family!

  24. I am so terribly sorry for your family's loss. I have no words to ease the pain you are feeling but please know you are all in my prayers.
    ~LisaO from Creative Kitty Crochet

  25. I am so very sorry for your loss.
    I can't even imagine.

  26. Praying for each and every one of you, as a mom i could not imagine the pain you are going through, Find comfort in one another and keep her spirit alive in your hearts, Thinking of you all in such a difficult time <3 Theresa from Creative HatZ For KidZ

  27. OMG I just cannot imagine what you are going through. Your family is in my prayers. :( What a wonderful idea to keep the memories alive for your other children.

  28. What unimaginable grief you and your family must be going through. This is the worst possible thing for a parent to lose a child. I am so very sorry. Prayers. Anna from Cozy Corner Crochets.

  29. Awww... You don't know me and I don't know you, but I was saddened by hearing of your loss and for some reason the close geographic proximity makes it seem like there should be something I could say to make you feel better. You're in my thoughts.
    - Jennifer (from Gniffer's Gnomes)

  30. As a mother who has lost two children, I know there are no words to say to you. Know that you and your family are in my prayers. I know the angels welcomed your daughter into Heaven.

  31. I am so, so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Nothing said can take your pain away right now, but just hold the thought that she is in a most beautiful place that we can't even imagine. And she will always be in your hearts till you meet again.

  32. Liz I am so sorry... I have no words and my heart is breaking for you is there anything I can do???

    Rhonda Hagood
    Hagood Handmade

  33. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying that our Heavenly Father will wrap His loving arms around your family and fill you with peace and comfort. Lisa from Loops of Love.

  34. I am so sorry for your loss..having lost a child myself, there is no other pain and she will be in your hearts prayers are with you..Monika

  35. So sorry for your loss. I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I do.....

    Gone from My Sight

    I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and
    starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty
    and strength. I stand and watch her until at length
    she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where
    the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
    Then someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!"

    "Gone where?"

    Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in
    mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.

    Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the
    moment when someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout: "Here she comes!"

    And that is dying. (Henry Van Dyke)

  36. As a parent, my heart is torn as I read this. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be keeping you and your entire family in my prayers.

  37. Sending prayers your way. So so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful little girl.
    Debbie (QT Patootie Kids)

  38. I am so very sorry for your loss. Words fail me. I can't imagine what you and your family must be going through right now. My prayers are with you.

  39. Liz there are no words that anyone can say to ease the pain you & your family are going through right now. My family & I pray that you all find comfort in the Lord & lean on those around you to carry you through this unimaginable time. Send you all our love & prayers. Jessica Schmautz & Family (Sew Crafty Baby)

  40. I am so sorry for your loss, I don't even have words. I have a son the same age and can't begin to imagine what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  41. OH Liz, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart feels torn apart for you and your family. I pray for comfort and peace and that one day, God will restore your joy and remind you of the beautiful spirit you were privileged to call your precious daughter.

  42. So sorry for your thought and prayers are with you and your family.

  43. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken over the grief you must be experiencing. You and your family are in my prayers.

  44. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so sorry for your loss.

    Terri & Family

  45. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss, there just aren't words to express my sorrow for you.

  46. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Though we've never met, your beautiful Bryn has touched my heart. I am deeply saddened by your loss, but know her angelic smile is shining down on you always.

  47. Liz and family, I am ao very sorry for this tradgedy. I have a five year old and cannot imagine what you must be going through. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and let me know if there is anything I can do to heloquent in any way. My deepest apologies, heidi (snappy tots)

  48. Liz, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you and your family. We are lifting you all up in prayer.

  49. I am stunned Honey! So very, very sorry for your loss. Prayers are on there way from Montana. Karren Morton of Sissy's Alley.

  50. Liz, I am so heartbroken for you. I cannot imagine the sorrow you are feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Jennie (WestOnSalem)

  51. Offering up prayers and tears for your family...
    Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. John 16:22

  52. What a beautiful child. I'm so sorry. Prayers for peace and comfort through your grief for all that loved Bryn.

  53. I am so terribly sorry for everything your family is going through. our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ♥

  54. Oh Liz, my heart is broken for you and your family. I will be praying for your mother's heart!

    - Shannon

  55. Tears and prayers for your family...

  56. I don't know your family, but when I read your story, my heart began breaking again, as it does everytime I hear of a parent losing a young child. I too had a daughter die at a very young age (4) and know the heartbreak you are feeling at this time. I promise, time does won't forget your little one, but you will be able to replace this sad time in your life with all the happy memories of her as time goes on. God Bless you and your family as you struggle through this.

  57. Liz, I am so very sorry to hear of your daughter's passing. My deepest sympathy goes out to your family. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  58. Dear Liz, we are praying for you, Colin and the kids. Your family has been a part of our family ever since I was a little girl. Paul, David, James, Jon and Dee love you all more than anything and our heart grieve for you.

  59. I cannot express my sorry for your loss, i did not know her but i am brought to tears with the pain u must be going threw. My prayers are with u!

  60. I am so very sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for you and your family. I will be praying for you.

  61. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. <3

  62. You are in my thoughts and prayers.. I did not know your daughter, but the pictures show her as a beautiful little girl.. So sorry for your loss..

  63. Oh Liz~I am so very sorry for your loss! I know how you are feeling, and I am happy to see the outpouring of support for you and your family. Love each other, and know she is smiling down on you always. You will be in many thoughts and prayers <3 Tera of Trifles N Treasures

  64. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I believe she is in Heaven with Jesus. She's not accountable at this sweet age. She is looking down upon you. Waiting for you to be with her once again. Praying for you to be comforted~~~:) Sending an abundance of love your way.


  65. Liz,
    I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that Brynn is in heaven shinning down on you. Whenever you feel the warm sunshine on your face or feel the wind blow through your hair...take comfort in knowing it is your beautiful daughter's way of saying she loves you.
    Emilee for Le Hair Couture

  66. Replies
    1. I am so sorry for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May your feel the loving and healing embrace of our Lord. I know of no words to ease your pain and sorrow so I will continue to pray.

  67. Liz, we are heart-broken for you and your family. I did not have the privilege of knowing Bryn, but her beautiful, vibrant spirit shines through in the photographs of her. You and all who loved Bryn will be in our prayers today, tomorrow and for many days to come. May you feel wrapped in love.

  68. This truly breaks my heart. I have a five year old daughter also and I can't imagine your pain right now. Prayers for comfort and peace in remembering your sweet angel. She was a beautiful little girl, may you find comfort in happy memories to help you through this sad time. My deepest condolences, Jennifer from Crochet by Jennifer

  69. Liz,
    So sorry to hear this most heartbreaking news.
    You all are in my thoughts!
    If you need anything do not hesitate to ask.
    My heart goes out to you and your loved ones at this most saddest time in your lives.

  70. I am so so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with your family.

  71. There are no words that can ease such a pain. From the moment our children are conceived inside us, they form a bond with us that is unmistakable. Bryn is in heaven now, smiling down on you. Although her body has left this earth, God promises you will be reunited again with her in heaven. May the Lord bless your family during this time of grief and sadness.

  72. Oh Liz! I am so broken hearted for you and your family!!! Will be praying for you and your family!!!

  73. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss....My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family...

  74. I am so very sorry for your loss. May the Lord give you and your family strength through this very difficult time. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  75. I am so, so sorry for your loss...May you and your family find comfort and peace knowing that so many are thinking of and praying for you and your baby girl.

  76. I am so so sorry. Sending lots of Love, Prayers & (((HUGS))). Fly high sweet beautiful princess.

  77. I can not begin to imagine your pain, but as a mother, a fellow crocheter, my heart just aches for you and your entire family right now. I am praying for you and you are in my thoughts. I am so so sorry. May the Lord give you peace for your hearts. God bless you.

  78. We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name.
    In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.
    It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone;
    for part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
    You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide; and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
    Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same; but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

    So very sorry for your loss. Prayers coming your way.

  79. There just are no words to say. Please know that many many people are thinking of you & praying for you during this very difficult time & the many hard days/years to come. May you find peace & comfort in God.


  80. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I am so sorry for your loss. Remember the good times with what sounded like an amazing little girl.

  81. Liz..

    I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I just wrote this little poem especially for you. May the Lord give you and your family comfort and peace at this very difficult time. Sierra is an Angel in Heaven now.

    Another Angel in Heaven...

    There is another Angel in Heaven
    God called Sierra home, so He could embrace
    The beautiful child he sent to earth
    To bring you joy with her smiling face.

    There is another Angel in Heaven
    Sierra is dressed in white, and is at Heaven’s door
    God is there to hug and greet her
    “My Child, enter, for you will feel pain no more”.

    There is another Angel in Heaven
    Sierra turns and smiles, “I’m okay mommy”
    God takes her by the hand and walks with her
    They walk together toward eternity.

    5/22/12 Maria Teresa Williams "The Perky Poet"

  82. I can't imagine what you are feeling now but just looking at her beautiful pictures you can bet they are loving having her in heaven.

  83. I can't imagine and I have no idea what I can say... Please know that your precious family are being blanketed in prayers for peace and healing.

  84. So very sorry Liz. I pray for you and your family to find peace and strength. RIP beautiful baby girl.

  85. I am so sorry for your immense loss.

  86. Praying for your family. God be with you all through this time of grieving. I think the book idea is wonderful, my Mom died when I was a young girl and I wish I had more personal stories to remember her by. So very sorry for your loss.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. My heart breaks for you and your family. I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending ((hugs)) and thoughts your way.

  89. I'm a mother..... I am near you and pray for you all. and I'm sending all my love an silent hughs.......

  90. Liz, I will pray that all the comfort of God washes over you and your family. It is wonderful that you are collecting memories for your other babies too, Bryn will not be forgotten, ever.

    Over 20 years ago we went through a similar loss in my family. And our Issac is alive in our hearts and even the hearts of my children who never met him, but know all about him and think of him with love. We all look forward to being reunited with him and knowing him well in Heaven.

    I'll be praying for you all, with all my love,
    Charissa (mad mad me)

  91. my granddaughter is 5..I cannot imagine your grief..unbearable really...wishing your family healing and strength!

  92. My heart breaks for you. Praying for your family. What a wonderful gift you are collecting for your children.

  93. Death is such a traumatic thing for a family, but especially so with the loss of a young child. Although I don't know you, my heart and prayers and love are with you today. Your beautiful child, Sierra, surely sings with the angels today! Blessings!

  94. My heart is aching for you. There is a special place in heaven for children...I know several who are already there. Please know that I'm thinking of you and wishing there was a way to ease your sorrow.

  95. Saw a link to your blog through Etsy. I am so so very sorry. Bryn was beautiful. Praying for peace, comfort and healing for all of you. I know there are really no words to comfort you right now but my little girl had cancer at 5, brain cancer. She was not given much hope but she fought and won and is almost 10 now and doing well. Along our journey, God's light and power touched us all in such an amazing way. I know in my heart there is another life we go onto. I know you will see her again. Praying you have a sign from her that comforts you.

    Praying in Moseley Virginia

  96. I am so sorry for your loss - there are no words in the world that will comfort you, just many people who care and hold you and yours in our hearts. Twenty one years ago our oldest son Jeff passed away suddenly from acute viral myocarditus. I miss him so much! Our family survived and have learner to live without Jeffery presence on earth. Please know that you are in my heart and that I will be holding you in my heart.

  97. May God be with you because He is the only one who can give you comfort at this time. Be strong for your other kids. May you always remember all the good times

  98. Liz, I am so sorry to learn of your devastating loss. You are in our prayers.

  99. My heart breaks for you and your family. Even though I do not know you just reading about your loss fills my eyes with tears. You and yours are in my prayers. You will see your baby again John 5:28 & 29 and Rev 21:3 & 4.

  100. So very sorry for you and your family. Prayers of love, strength, peace and healing for you all.

  101. I am so sorry Liz. Bryn was and is truly loved by all. She was such a sweet spirit and a light to us at school. I know she is in Heavenly Father's arms right now. Our family is praying for comfort and strength for your family. Please let us know if you need anything. Words just can't say enough to let you know how much we love you and pray for you.

  102. Can't even imagine what you are going through. My heart felt sympathies are with you at this most unbearable time. Hugs and prayers.

  103. This is such a terrible tragedy. I am so very sorry for your loss. I will keep your beautiful daughter and your family in my prayers.

  104. I am so very worry for your loss, I will be praying for your family during this time.

  105. Praying for your family. I can't imagine. She looks like she was a sweet beautiful fun-loving girl.

  106. Hi Liz there are no words that will console you or your family at present, it's the most awful pain in the world you are feeling, you have a pain in your chest that will take a while to ease. You and your family are in my prayers, its important that you all stay strong for one another, its a long road ahead but somehow you get there day by day. God Bless you all.

  107. Can't imagine your pain. Praying for your sweet family.

  108. There are no words that can be said. May God hold you in His hands and comfort during this time.

  109. Hi Liz,

    There are no words to say, but my heart is broken for you and your family. I've been knowing you through your crochet work. You and your family are in my prayers.


  110. Im so sorry for your tragic loss. Praying for you and your family.

  111. Liz - God Bless you and your family. I'm crying for you and your little ones. There are no words to express my feelings for your loss. But now heaven has another little angel to watch over you and your family.


  112. My heart breaks for you and I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that God will hold you and comfort you and your family during this difficult time. Please reach out to your blogger friends if you need anything. We are all here for you.

  113. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

  114. So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. May the wonderful memories of her bring you peace.

  115. I just don't have words to say how I'm very sorry for your loss cause I'm a mother too. Please be strong for your 2 other kids.

  116. Liz, i am so sorry for your loss. i dont even know the right thing to say, but that everyone here cares for you and were here whenever you need to vent or anything! and if there is anything we can help with please let us know. Shes an absolutely gorgeous girl xx


  117. There are no words to say how truly sad this makes me! I am sending my thoughts your way! My wishes for all the strength for your family in this time of sadness.

  118. I didn't know your little girl, but I'm a mom and my heart ache for you. I will pray for you and your family.
    So sorry for your lost.

  119. Praying for you and your family. May God give you amazing comfort during this most difficult time.

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. We are truly broken hearted at hearing of your devastating loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Bless your sweet little Sierra

  122. I know there are no words that can make what you're feeling better but I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for strength for you and your family in this incredibly difficult time.

  123. Praying for your family and your beloved daughter.

  124. I'm so sorry. My prayers are with you and your family.

  125. I am sooo very sorry & tho' I didn't know your beautiful daughter or yourself, my heart goes out to you soo very much!! I am sending many hugs & prayers your way!! I pray you receive strength & comfort thru this diffcult, hard time. xx

  126. Oh my God...I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through right now...something NO parent should ever have to go through. I didn't know her, In fact I don't know you personally, I just follow your creativity on FB. But my heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Nothing else I could say will ease your pain right now-or ever. Just know, you are thought of.

  127. My heart is broken for you and your family. Please know you are in my thoughts.

  128. Oh no.
    Hugs from Australia.

  129. I have no words that will make it better. I cannot even begin to imagine your pain. You are in my thoughts Liz.

  130. My prayers go out to you and your family. May the Lord comfort you during this time of sorrow.

  131. I pray that God's love brings you warmth in this coldness and that Bryn's Sunshine shines down on you today and everyday!

  132. So sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers to your family at this difficult time.

  133. Very sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.

  134. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter.Lots of prayers and thoughts for your family and friends

  135. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. As a mother who held her baby girl as she passed away, I can say I do understand your pain.

    Time will heal the raw pain though it never leaves your heart. I am so sad you and your family have lost your precious little girl.

  136. I am so sorry for your loss. May God surround your family with His love, and grant you & your loved ones peace during this difficult time. I pray that you will be able to celebrate the 5 yrs of life she was able to live, and know that she is at peace with The Lord.

  137. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss; you and your family are in my thoughts. :'(

  138. I am so sorry my prayers are with you and your husband. God will carry you all through this. I know he has been carrying us since we lost our son Brandon in 09 he was 29 years old.

    I will keep you all lifted up in prayer


  139. There are no words of comfort I can offer, nor any pearls of wisdom to share. Know that you and your family are in my prayers and know God holds you in the palm of His hand during this sorrowful time. I saw this post about your daughter's passing on Facebook,

  140. Liz and family, I'm sorry to hear of your loss and will be praying for your families healing and strength. Reading your blog truly touched and moved me. She was a beautiful little girl and is now one of God's little angels.


  141. Liz and family I am so sorry for your loss. There is no loss greater than that of a child. My family will be praying for you and your families healing and strength. Hold onto each other tight sharing memories of love and joy. I am so glad for the knowledge that we will be with our loved ones again in Heaven and I hope you can gain faith in this true principle of Heavenly Father's love.

  142. As a parent I cannot imagine what you are going through. I can only pray with you as you go through your transition. I do feel that if she was anything like the wonderful creative people in her family she will be missed. Much love and butterfly kisses to your family ! locsandstitches your biggest fan !

  143. I am so sorry for you and your family. My heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine such a loss, and no parent should ever have to endure it. My prayers are with you.

  144. I can't even imagine your pain right now. Tears fill my eyes and I am at a loss of words. May your faith strengthen you and help you during this time. Lean on each other and your family and friends because that is what they are there for. May her precious memory be with you forever.

  145. I only just read about this through a fellow crocheter. My heart hurts for your family tonight. There are really no words to give someone that has just lost a child. You are in all of our thoughts and prayers...

  146. My sincere sympathies to you, your family and everyone who knew your beautiful girl. My prayers are with all of you.

  147. Prayers from a fellow Etsian to you and your family in this very sad time. Bless you all.

  148. New follower via Glamour Damaged. As a mother of a three year old girl and an eleven year old boy my heart aches. I had asthma as a kid and I remember being hospitalized once. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. She is beautiful.

  149. So sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you and your family must be going through. Will be praying! May God Bless you all!

  150. To Liz and Family...No words can express how very sorry I am to hear htis tragic story. This saddens me deeply. My thoughts and prayers are withyou during these trying times. May you find peace in knowing she is and forever will be surrounding you with her love~ No matter where you are, she will be right by your side ♥

  151. My prayers are with you and your family. I know there are no words that can help, but just know that your precious baby is in Jesus' arms right now and is no longer in pain. She will forever be a guardian angel for you and your children. God bless you and your family.

  152. I didnt know Bryn. N i actually didnt know any of you. I actually read about this on mama bees fb page. But please know that from the bottom of this strangers heart. I lift you all up in prayer. I ask Jehovah n Jesus Christ to carry you all through this horrible ordeal. Losing a child has got to be the worse thing that anyone should have to live through. I will keep u all in my prayers xoxoxo

  153. <3 i'm so very sorry for your loss....

  154. Liz,

    I just learned of your story through a new business friend via Facebook. I am so very sorry to hear of your devastating loss. Although, I have never met you and your beautiful little girl, my heart is breaking for you and your family I am a mother of three boys. I can only imagine how you and your family must feel. Your daughter was a beautiful little girl. I hope that you may find some peace and the strength to go on. Praying for you and your family in Oklahoma.

    Stacy Warden
    Three Spunky Monkeys

  155. I am at a lost of words. I pray God gives you and your family strength through this tough time. I wish I knew her so I could send in a letter to share with her brothers. May God be with you all every second from here on.

  156. im so very sorry for your loss.
    she was such a cute lil girl <3

  157. Our prayers go out to family may God watch over you all .

  158. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I lost my son in 2001. It's just God right now. Let God sustain you and yours. Just put one foot in front of the other and hold on. Much love and prayers. Nancy

  159. I do not know you or your family personally but I do follow your blog and facebook. I just wanted to say how very sorry I am to hear of your loss. My heart was breaking just reading this post and I cannot imagine how hard this must be for you and your family. Sending you thoughts of love and condolences.

  160. There are no words that anyone can say to relieve the pain that must be taking over your heart. A simple 'sorry' doesn't seem like enough but I hope you know that behind all of these 'I'm sorry's' there is a prayer being said for your family and your little girl who has just earned her wings. I am not a parent so I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. There is no way to prepare for such a terrible tragedy especially one such as this where there was no real warning. I hope that you know that we are all behind you and sending all our love and prayers your way.
    RIP little angel....There are ALOT of people who miss you and many of them never even had the blessing of meeting you, including me.

  161. I am so very sorry for your loss. I have a daughter who is almost 4. I couldn't imagine my life without her. As tears run down my face, I pray that you and your family may find comfort and peace during this sad time.

  162. So very sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family during this time.

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. I am truly sorry for your loss. I pray that God will give you and your family the strength and peace that you need to face each new day. If there is anything that you need, please know that I am here for you and would gladly help in any way. Much love and prayers from a member of your crochet family.

  165. Liz, my thoughts and prayers to your and your family. I can't imagine the loss you are feeling right now. God seems to have had another plan for her; but know that she is safe in his hands.
    I shudder when I think that my little grandson (2 1/2) was just diagnosed with asthma about 1 mo ago. I never realized the depth of this disease that we so take for granted. Again, special prayers for little Bryn.

  166. Liz, my thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I just can not imagine lossing one so young. Please know that we are thinking of you at this time. God bless you all and know that Bryn is in the arms of our Lord and at peace. But will be missed by all. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.

  167. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is heavy for you. A good way for your children to remember her is to request a bear or comfort ghan from Homemade Blessings.

  168. I am so sorry for your loss! Like many here, I am at a loss for words and can't imagine what you and your family are going through. Love and light...

  169. My Heart Aches for you as you walk this journey with your family. Hold fast to God and he will help you through it. There will be days when it is tough but think of the happy times.
    I will pray each day for comfort for you. I have walked and am walking the road of grief myself after loosing a child and it does get better. They are never forgotten or replaced just cherished angels watching over us now.

  170. This just broke my heart. I do not know you,or did I know you sweet angel. But I am a mother of an asthmatic child since he was 9 months old. He is now 16 years old and we still drive the 2 hours to see the asthma specialists that we do not have in our small hometown. Scares me daily. I wish I could give you a hug right now:( For sure keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  171. Prayers being sent your way from Canada. How heartbreaking, I couldn't imagine losing one of my 4 children at any walk of life. I'm so sorry for your unexpected and sudden loss.

    Emily- Em's Creations

  172. My heart aches for you and your family! I can't even begin to imagine the sorrow! Sending cyber hugs and love your way. Prayers are going up as well. May the God of all comfort fondle your souls with his consolations during this terrible time! (2 Corinthians 1:3,4 and Psalm 94:19)

  173. I am so sorry for you loss. As tears stream down my face I've asked our Father in heaven to give you and your family a peace that only He can give. I think of my precious grandaughter that is her age and my mind can not ever go to the place that you find yourself residing. I'm thankful that the Lord gives those in a time of grief a numbness that will help to carry them through. Please know that your are in the prayers of many and that your sweet little angel is in the arms of the one that created her. God bless you.

  174. Liz, My heart is breaking for you and your family. There are no words that describe the deep sadness that comes with loosing a child. Our family knows this pain first hand... I will be praying for strength, grace, peace and comfort for you and your family as you walk through this terrible tragedy. My deepest condolences. Sara (Tangled Happy) ♥

  175. I dont know you or your daughter and my english is not good. But I would like to say, that I know your pain. Our son is also dead. Please remember, that your daughter is sleeping in gods hand and you will see her back, when the time is coming. Everything will come good. I pray for you and your family.

  176. So sorry for your loss. We will be praying for you and your family.

  177. Hugging you in my thoughts

  178. I am so sorry to hear about your devastating loss, Liz. You and your family are in my prayers.

  179. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling :(!! I am soooo very sorry for your loss my heart and thoughts go out to you.

  180. Today, I cried! I'm so sorry for the lost of your beautiful daughter. I can't imagine the pain you all are feeling right now. My heart and prayers go out to you all.

  181. I am SO truly sorry for your loss =( I can't imagine the pain you're going through =( You and your family are in my thoughts! =(
    ~Dawn K.
    Puppy Love Creations & New Beginnings Photography

  182. My heart aches for you and your precious family. My deepest sympathy and condolence. John 5:28

  183. I am so sorry to read of your daughters passing. A blessing to have shared 5 years with her, she sounds like she was an amazing little girl. My thoughts and prayers are with you all x

  184. So sorry for your loss. I don't personally know you but I am a mom of two and cannot imagine the pain and heartache you are feeling. I believe in God and that he has a plan...even in the moments that don't seem fair. You are in my prayers along with your entire family.

  185. Hello Liz,I do not know you personally or your daughter.But she was beautiful while reading this tears was streaming down my cheeks.I am soo soo soo very very sorry for your lost.But please know she is in a better place.God just needed his angel back.May god be with you and your family.Let him comfort you and when the time is right and when you can you watch the movie courgeous.It touched my heart and it has to do with what your going through.God bless you and your family and again i am so sorry :(

  186. No words can express how sorry I am for your loss. Sending love and prayers out to you and your family<3

  187. What a beautiful little girl you got to love. I am so very sorry for your loss and cannot imagine the pain you feel. I will think of your daughter and your family and hope the community and your family will help you through this.

  188. My son and I are praying for your family even as I type this. Though I do not know you personally, I have enjoyed making your patterns. May the Lord bless and comfort your family through this time of suffering.

  189. I am so, so very sorry to hear of your loss. What a beautiful little girl she was. We lost my youngest cousin when she was 7 due to a severe allergic reaction. The pain never goes away, but there are so many good memories. You are so wise to collect each and every one. You and your family are in our prayers.

  190. I am so terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful girl. My family will keep you in our prayers.

  191. I only know you from your patterns and help you've given me but as a mother my heartaches for you right now. I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. Please stay strong.

  192. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is the hardest thing we ever endure in our life. Gods plan is not always understood but your angel is in heaven now. She was so beautiful thanks for sharing her pictures. I trust you can find peace and comfort always from her cherished memories.

    The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
    Psalm 34:18
