

Release the HOUNDS!

...Houndstooth that is. Please forgive my extreme cheesiness, haha. Today I am FINALLY releasing a new design. The Houndstooth Headband. I've been wanting to use the traditional Houndstooth pattern for a while and was finally able to do it now that I quit my day job!

Last Spring I started looking around for houndstooth patterns because I thought it'd be fun to make something for my mother-in-law. But, all I found were a LOT of knitting patterns, and some not-so-houndstoothy crochet patterns. So you know what that means. I made my own! Traditionally houndstooth uses black and white to show off the contrast of the pattern. But I think it'd be fun in most color combinations, as long as the 2 colors have contrast. I also wouldn't try it in a variegated yarn because it'd probably take away from the stitch pattern. But it's up to you to try different things!! Oh, and did I mention - IT'S REVERSIBLE!!

So here it is! I have a photographer on stand-by, but I want to send her all my new designs at once. So for now, we'll have to make do with my not-so-professional photography, haha. But my kids are still cute!

Get your own pattern:

 It's reversible!

Coming up next - the reversible Houndstooth Beanie!



A photo tutorial is worth a thousand questions

It's here! It's here! The updated Brain Waves Beanie pattern is finally here! I've offered my Brain Waves Beanie pattern as a free download from my website and Ravelry for over a year now and I've seen SO many great finished beanies with creative color combos made by you! But I've also had lots of questions by confused hookers. Trying to explain detailed crochet technique and which-stitch-goes-where without pictures has been taking up a lot of time lately. And the last thing I want to do is create confusion and frustration for my awesome fans!

So I decided to take a couple of days and create a new photo tutorial to accompany both the Kids and Adults versions!!! I really hope it helps! I focused mostly on the beginning and ends of the rounds as that seems to be the sore spot. I also included several pictures to help you check if your stitches are lining up like mine do. As always, if you're still having trouble with it, please send me an email and we can work through it!

Child's tutorial: beginning of a rnd
Adult's tutorial: end of a rnd
How to line up stitches

My new updates are also just in time for this pattern to be featured in a local mom's magazine, Momaha, from Omaha, NE (even though I live in CO)!! Check out the article below and the magazine's website
Thanks Momaha!



Brain Bender

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it's been forever since I've posted! I've been really busy and even got to quit my day job (mini-interview coming soon!). But for now, I'm going to give a little attention to my Brain Waves Beanie since it seems a few people have been having trouble with it lately. AND it will be appearing in a small Mom-centered magazine out of Omaha so I figured I needed to give it a little TLC. I'll let you know as soon as I finish tweaking it.

Now that I don't have a job to go to at night, one of my goals is write a LOT more on my blog so stay tuned because I have a LOT of really exciting news coming up!




I just got back from ShedFest at the Salida boat ramp and it was SO much fun! Basically, its the end of the season celebration for all the Farmer's Market vendors. I was glad to get the chance to be a part of the ArtWorks booth since last weekend got snowed out! I met a lot of new people (hello again to those of you who I saw there!) and had a great time at my first ever ShedFest! Here are some pictures for you!



Farmer's Market

Last week I was going a little crazy trying to get ready for the Farmer's Market!! If you missed it, last Saturday was my first market this season, and this Saturday I'll be at the last market of the year. I got there a little too early and had soaking wet shoes by the time I finished putting the tent up, but it was fun. At first, I didn't know anyone, and it seemed like all the other vendors were old friends. It was a little intimidating. But once everyone finished setting up, everyone started wandering around and talking.

I got to talk to a lot of really great people; some local, some from out-of-state. I talked to a local ski shop owner who wants me to stop by and maybe put my hats in her shop!! Some of my friends stopped by to say hi, and I got a free lunch from another vendor! I even made my sales goal and then some, which was very exciting!

Most of my sales were off the table, so I have to spend the next week building my inventory back up with a variety of designs. My goal is to make more Along Came a Spider and Brain Waves Beanies to get a bigger selection for this weekend. Here are some pictures of my booth! Let me know what you'd want to see (even if you can't make it in person)!



Summer Fun Contest

Hey, just wanted everyone to know that one of my Frisbees is in the SUMMER FUN CHALLENGE on the Crochet Dreamers Etsy Team blog. You have to scroll down to see it, but check it out and vote for me!

"PlayinHookyDesigns Entry 1"


Worldwide Invasion!

WOW!! For a while now I've been adding pins to my map for every sale I get. That way I can look back (like I'm doing right now) and see where all my designs have been! It's so COOL! I'm amazed and in awe of all the amazing places my hats & patterns have gone! Strangely though, I've never had a sale to North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Hawaii. Hmmm... they need to jump on the bandwagon, so if you're from one of those states, or know someone who is, let them know how cool it is to play hooky. If you've bought something from me, see if you can find your pin!!

(click on the map to zoom in)


Anyone going to Antarctica any time soon? I'd GIVE you a hat if you promise to take a bunch of pictures & send them to me!!


Facebook Ad

Ok everyone. I'm thinking about trying a Facebook ad. BUT I'm having trouble deciding what picture to use! It's going to be fairly small so the pic needs to be simple, eye-catching, and give people who've never heard of me an idea of what I do. I've picked out a few that I like and I'd LOVE it if you'd vote for your favorite!!

#1 - Girl Frisbee

#2 - Guy Frisbee

#3 - Little Waffle

#4 - Logo

#5 - Ridgeline Beanie

#6 - Strata Beanie



Playin' Hooky Discs!!

YAY!! I'm so happy to introduce the newest thing in Playin' Hooky: FRISBEES!!! I got the photos back from Jess at Jlight Photography and they are unbelievable! She captured perfectly the spirit and excitement I imagined!! So I wanted to share a few here...



I'm Rambling...

Thank you to everyone who voted for your favorite font! I am just waiting to get the proof back so I can approve it, then she'll hand-carve my stamp! I'm so excited to see it in person!!!

On another note, I can't believe how busy I've been. I just started another part-time job during the day. I stay at home with my kids, but I can take them with me to the office. It's not a normal schedule so some weeks I'll be working more, some weeks, less. But it's a really fun environment. The job only goes to October so even if it's really hard to work with my schedule, it's not forever.

AND I'm only 3 sales away from my 300th Etsy sale! Since being in Etsy Finds a few weeks ago, I've had several sales, including my first international sale of a finished hat. I've sold several patterns abroad, but never a hat! It's going to Belfast, Ireland and the buyer says he's going to take it with him on a trip around the world! How COOL!! PICTURES!!!
World-Travelling Beanie
My only problem is that my local supplier stopped carrying the yarn I use. So now I have to order it and wait for shipment. It's been delaying some of my orders, but all my buyers have been super understanding. It's just frustrating and I feel it's a little unprofessional. But as long as I keep in contact with the buyer, it's been ok.

I also have a new line of products that I'm trying to get listed, but I haven't had any spare time!! I got some pictures back on Friday and I REALLY want to get them in my shop. Hopefully soon!!!
First look at what's new at Playin' Hooky


Thank you SO MUCH to Jess Melton from Jlight Photography for the awesome new photos! 


Font, font, font...

Hey! I need your help! I'm having a hand-carved rubber stamp made with my logo and name, but I can't decide which font to use. Etsy seller, LetterKay, makes amazing stamps and gave me a list of fonts to choose from. But I can't decide!! Vote for your favorite in the poll to the right.




Hey everyone! I was featured in Etsy Finds for the second time a few days ago! It's always so exciting to see your work in a big newsletter! I even got a few orders from it!! Thank you to everyone for your awesome support and PLAY HARD ~ PLAY HOOKY!!!


Sneak Peek

I'm adding an entirely NEW LINE to my shop very soon! I just sent them off to be photographed. In the meantime, I'll give you a sneak peek at what's new!


What the WHAT...?

This week's contest is to explain what the heck is going on in this picture. It has nothing to do with my shop, but I knew you could have a LOT of fun with this one! Write a caption, thought bubble or story to try and explain what the heck is going on here. Leave the comment on my Facebook page and the comment with the most "likes" by Friday wins a $15 gift cert to Jamba Juice.

Of all the what-not-to-crochet pictures, this one is my favorite. The guy is just so happy to be covered in this weird crochet suit, triumphant almost, haha!



And the winner is...


Thank you to everyone who entered my contest and a huge congratulations to Charlene! I'll have another contest next week, this time for a $15 gift cert to JAMBA JUICE!! Stay tuned on Monday for more details!!


I SPY...

Hello kids! Today we're going to play I SPY!! Remember those long family car trips with you and your brother in the back seat? The air conditioner didn't work and your dad didn't want the windows rolled down so you were melting. Your brother was starting to play the I'm-not-touching-you game and just as you're about to draw back in retaliation, your mom suggests you play a game. "I spy something....". Well, this is sort of like that, only without the sweat and sibling war.

Check out the picture. It's a REALLY close up view of one of my hats. Which one? 

  • Use my Etsy shop as a cheat sheet and choose which hat you think it is.
  • Leave a comment after this blog post saying "I spy something.... [name of hat]".
  • The winner will be picked out of the correct entries using
  • You may have THREE guesses, but only one correct answer per person will count as an entry.
  • Contest closes Thursday (6/24) at midnight (mountain time) so get your entries in early!
  • If you want an extra entry, Tweet or post on Facebook about my contest and leave a comment with the link to your tweet or post.
  • The winner gets a $15 gift card to Starbucks!!
Got questions?

Your PRIZE!! (The receipt is to show you that the card is activated.  I blurred out the other 2 gift cards I got to keep the surprise!