Newpaper Article
YAY!! I was finally able to get a digital copy of the newspaper article featuring my yarn bomb. Some of the quotes are not quote accurate, but they gave me a pretty long article, so I'm happy! And for those of you wondering, I never got the scarf & glasses back. Now, without further adieu, here it is!
Been busy!
This has been one crazy & busy Holiday season!
I've been working on a couple new patterns that I just listed at my Etsy shop. I haven't even had time to get the up on my website yet, but hopefully soon! I even got my husband, Colin, to model for me! I've been asking him forever, but now that I had a hat he wanted, I had some leverage. So I paid for his modeling services with the hat he's wearing in the pictures!
Along with my two new designs, I'm also trying to dye up some yarn to add to my shop. I've got a TON of white or off-white yarn just sitting around so I really want to start getting some of it listed!
That's all my overworked brain can think of for right now! HAPPY HOOKING!
I've been working on a couple new patterns that I just listed at my Etsy shop. I haven't even had time to get the up on my website yet, but hopefully soon! I even got my husband, Colin, to model for me! I've been asking him forever, but now that I had a hat he wanted, I had some leverage. So I paid for his modeling services with the hat he's wearing in the pictures!
Along with my two new designs, I'm also trying to dye up some yarn to add to my shop. I've got a TON of white or off-white yarn just sitting around so I really want to start getting some of it listed!
I've also been talking with my LYS about selling my patterns. I finally got it together and brought them my Braided Cabbie Hat, Fishnet Beanie, and Townie Cap patterns. I also made them a couple of hats to display with my patterns! So if you're in Salida, CO go downtown and check out my designs at Fringe!
That's all my overworked brain can think of for right now! HAPPY HOOKING!
Can't stop me!
YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!! Mwah ha ha...
Actually, there's nothing sinister about yarn bombing. In my option it's a fun, lighthearted way to bring my favorite art to people who might not know crochet is not just for little old ladies (even though little old lady hookers are ROCKSTARS!!). I want to make people smile without them knowing how much work goes on behind the scenes to make it happen.
After my Harry Potter yarn bomb was stolen, I was incredibly upset. I'll admit it, I cried. BUT then I decided that I'm not going to let it stop me from having fun. This time I decided to do something much smaller. I had seen a picture of a yarn bomb someone else did and I've been dying to try it ever since. So I spent about 30 minutes making these fuzzy little circles to put around the push-to-walk buttons on the only (yes, I said only) stoplight downtown. Instead of putting them up in the cover of darkness, I decided to be brave and do it in the daytime! I took my 2 yr old son with my so I'd have an excuse for why I was walking so slow and taking pictures. I walked around around the intersection and put a YB on all 4 buttons. I checked later that evening as I went to work and they were all still there!!
And then the next day, they were gone. If you see anyone wearing these as scrunchies (look for women aged 25-35 - they were young when scrunchies were cool, haha) go tell them you know they stole their hair ornament and that's gross that they put something on their hair that was on a public stoplight. Hahaha.
My next YB will have to be taken off with scissors!!!! *Fist in air*