

Old Patterns, New Patterns

There were a few things about my current patterns that I wasn't quite happy with. First off, the photography has never been as good as I've wanted. I just bought a new camera (thanks to my tax refund!) so I wanted to take all new pictures. But more than that, I wanted them to stand out as different than my finished hats. I decided to erase the background to give it a clean white background. and I LOVE IT! In my opinion, the look so much more professional, and it's obvious that they're patterns, not finished products. What'd you think?

Also, in honor of National Crochet Month I decided to lower the price from $4 to $3. I love creating new designs and sharing them with other hookers (and those who want to learn!). I hope by lowering the price that my crochet style will spread as more people buy them!
I also have a goal of 4 new patterns by the end of the month as a part of NCM. An idea struck me yesterday so I got to work. In my experience, forcing designs never works. I have to wait for that lightning strike and then start creating it with yarn. Hopefully I'll have this pattern finished in a day or two and start promoting it. Keep your eyes open!!

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