

Thank you's from a Kindergarten Class

The response to Bryn's Flowers from my community has already been amazing. So when I received a book in the mail with thank you's written and drawn by one of the kindergarten classes, it really touched my heart. To think that Bryn may have been in that class is hard, but good at the same time.

This evening I went by the fence to secure some of the flowers that have blown loose. That same kindergarten teacher happened to be driving by so she stopped to talk. She said that all the kids still talk about how much they like it. When they ask why it's there, the teacher tells them "There was a little girl who was supposed to be here this year, but she can't be. So her mom made this for her." Smiling through tears!

As I've done throughout this whole journey, I wanted to share the pages with you. I blocked out the names of the kids for privacy. I hope they make you smile! :)


  1. This is so sweet! Thank you for sharing Liz!

  2. Your story is heartwrenching. I found you over a year ago when I ran across your Brain Waves beanie pattern and I admired you then for your creativity and passion. I bookmarked your page, but admittedly have not checked back until recently and just now read your story of sweet Bryn. I myself have had a tough year filled with the loss of loved ones and divorce. Dealing with feelings of rejection, abandonment and disappointment, it's all I can do to hug my little girl, who is my reason for being. I admire you even more for your incredible strength and your abilty to keep moving forward. You are inspirational. God Bless you and your family and may the spirit of Bryn continue to bring you all strength and peace.

    1. Thank you! I'm sorry you've had a hard year too. But we have to keep going!

  3. Lizzie these are so wonderful!!! I love how some of the kids attempted the chain link in their drawings. These are "bu d fool", "pridy" and really "kowl"!!!!! Bryn would have loved every bit of this!!!!

    1. I know! I love them and she definitely would have too. Of course, drawing her own painting - watercolors were her favorite. (Oh and I love it when you call me Lizzie!!)

  4. THIS IS AMAZING! How wonderful!
    I love that the kindergartners sent you a Thank you book.
    Thanks for taking the time to scan it in and share it with us!

  5. I loved each and every one of these. Thank you so much for sharing with us! <3

  6. Awwww!!! Love these sweet notes form the kiddies :) How cool that they all know what a "yarn bomb" is now!
