

I'm Rambling...

Thank you to everyone who voted for your favorite font! I am just waiting to get the proof back so I can approve it, then she'll hand-carve my stamp! I'm so excited to see it in person!!!

On another note, I can't believe how busy I've been. I just started another part-time job during the day. I stay at home with my kids, but I can take them with me to the office. It's not a normal schedule so some weeks I'll be working more, some weeks, less. But it's a really fun environment. The job only goes to October so even if it's really hard to work with my schedule, it's not forever.

AND I'm only 3 sales away from my 300th Etsy sale! Since being in Etsy Finds a few weeks ago, I've had several sales, including my first international sale of a finished hat. I've sold several patterns abroad, but never a hat! It's going to Belfast, Ireland and the buyer says he's going to take it with him on a trip around the world! How COOL!! PICTURES!!!
World-Travelling Beanie
My only problem is that my local supplier stopped carrying the yarn I use. So now I have to order it and wait for shipment. It's been delaying some of my orders, but all my buyers have been super understanding. It's just frustrating and I feel it's a little unprofessional. But as long as I keep in contact with the buyer, it's been ok.

I also have a new line of products that I'm trying to get listed, but I haven't had any spare time!! I got some pictures back on Friday and I REALLY want to get them in my shop. Hopefully soon!!!
First look at what's new at Playin' Hooky


Thank you SO MUCH to Jess Melton from Jlight Photography for the awesome new photos! 


Font, font, font...

Hey! I need your help! I'm having a hand-carved rubber stamp made with my logo and name, but I can't decide which font to use. Etsy seller, LetterKay, makes amazing stamps and gave me a list of fonts to choose from. But I can't decide!! Vote for your favorite in the poll to the right.




Hey everyone! I was featured in Etsy Finds for the second time a few days ago! It's always so exciting to see your work in a big newsletter! I even got a few orders from it!! Thank you to everyone for your awesome support and PLAY HARD ~ PLAY HOOKY!!!


Sneak Peek

I'm adding an entirely NEW LINE to my shop very soon! I just sent them off to be photographed. In the meantime, I'll give you a sneak peek at what's new!