

Inspiration Mondays: YARN DYEING!

The Monday after the 4th of July is a little sad for me this year because we had so much fun with friends and family that it's a little quiet around here. I'm trying to brighten my mood by thinking about the awesome project I worked on last week when I entered the world of yarn dyeing!
My last post was all about upcycling and in the process of researching for it, I discovered an AMAZING website (Leethal-picture to above is from her site) full of tutorials, including several on dyeing your own yarn. I decided to try my hand at it. Leethal's turuorials center mostly on hoew to dye with Kool-aid and since I'm not dye hard (haha, sorry, couldn't resist) just yet, I thought this would be a easy & inexpensive way to start.
In keeping with the upcycling theme of my project, I knew I couldn't buy the yarn first-hand so I set out to my local Salvation Army-type store called Caring & Sharing. I just found out they had a small selection of donated yarn so I decided to check it out. I had high hopes, but also wasn't expecting a miracle. After all, the yarn I needed had to be wool or another animal fiber and white so that it would take the dye. I dove into the bin (
not really, it was pretty icky) and lo & behold I found it! DK weight, white, wool yarn!! Since there are no price tags I didn't know what to expect when I headed to the checkout I was shocked again when I got the whole ball (I'm still not sure how many yards it is, but it's A LOT!) for FIFTY CENTS!!
I took my yarn and headed to the grocery store to buy my Kool-Aid. I want to make something for my daughter with it, so I let her choose the color and she picked Lemon-Lime.
I couldn't wait. I took my yarn and Kool-Aid home and started right away. First step was to turn some of the yarn into a hank so that each strand of yarn gets dyed. Not having a niddy-noddy made this a little harder, but I put two chairs together and went to town.
I soaked it in hot water to wash it and prepare the yarn for the dye. Kinda looks like spaghetti!
ADD THE DYE & let it soak!
I hung it outside to dry. There are white flecks where the hank was tied. It's my first attempt, what're you going do?
Last thing to do is twist in into a hank and take a beauty shot. I used a lot of yarn so the hank was cumbersome and looks a little 'fat'.
I haven't worked it up into anything yet, but I hope to soon and of course, I'll share my pictures!
So, what'd you think? Looks like fun, huh? I've got to try multiple colors next time!


  1. wow Liz, that turned out way awesome! Now you've inspired me to try my own hand at dyeing some yarn! Can't wait to see more of your hand-dyed yarn :)

  2. I love dying yarn! I have two huge skeins of it waiting to be crocheted into something!
    this gives you some more ideas of natural dyes to use too!! I tried a blueberry/blackberry mix last!

  3. That looks like so much fun! I love just watching the process that it went through to get to the finished product.

  4. Very ingenious to use kool aid!

  5. Thank you! it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do multiple colors! In fact, I think I might do that today!
    Thanks Ben for that site w/ more ideas! Cath, I owe it all to Leethal's tutorial site (the link is in the 2nd paragraph). Freeman, I'm glad I took pictures throughout! It made looking back on it that much better! kokomo, I'll post more pictures as soon as I dye some more. I want to see what you do too!

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  7. The last time I dyed my yarn, it was 5-6 years back .Can't wait to see your dyeing expeditions. It motivates people like us to get our b*** moving
