

Inspiration Mondays: LOL

Another Monday and time for more of what inspires me. I've been moving and starting a new job which means I missed the last 2 Mondays. *Sad face* I missed you and I'm so glad the dust is starting to settle and I can start writing more! With moving an entire household comes multiple phone calls to utility companies (stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this..). I spent this morning on the phone with 6 different people from the same utility company trying to transfer, verify, bill, and remove fees. Needless to say, it hasn't been fun. So I decided to dedicate this Inspiration Monday post to the funny and weird things that people do with yarn. I'm a nerd at heart and live for the chance to laugh at myself (and other people, of course!) so I scoured the net finding yarny things for a much needed Monday LAUGH! Please to enjoy! :)

"A Horrific Yarn" by Bent Objects
HAHAHA, we knitters & crocheters are a dangerous lot!

Nathan Vincent - LionBrand Yarn Artist
Funny, but impressive!!

Too Legit to Knit -

Knit Sushi by Needle Noodle
I like it, despite the fact that it's knit, not crochet ;)

Hooker Leggings - What Not to Crochet
heeheehee, hooker (double meaning alert)

"Boyfriend Pants" - The Boyfriend Confessions
Yowzah! I can hear the cat-calls now!
(The sheep keychain at the top of the page is from Zazzle)

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